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Muhammadu Buhari, the main Muslim candidate for president of Nigeria on Wednesday denounced the election fraud that gave the victory to Goodluck Jonathan, a Christian from the South, while condemning the post-election riots in the mainly Muslim north.
In the region of the Niger Delta, the oil predominantly Christian south, "and in the south-east there is not (really) elections and our fans were not allowed to vote," said General Buhari, who headed the military junta in 1984 and 1985, broadcast on Voice of America (VOA).
In several Southern states have announced results from 95% to over 99% of the vote in favor of Mr. Jonathan after the election on Saturday.
Mr.Buhari condemned but, as before, the deadly riots that started Sunday night: "I urge people to calm down and respect the law as we go (to the National Electoral Commission) to get justice," he said in a broadcast in Hausa.
Goodluck Jonathan, the outgoing president, won 57% of the votes in the election, which observers say, seemed on the whole more honest and transparent than the previous ones in Nigeria.
The balance of riots in several cities and regions of the North was not disclosed, but according to the Red Cross there were many dead, hundreds injured and thousands displaced.